Study Oil Painting with Kitt Moran at the Visual Arts Center (VAC). Learn to paint with oil in the Expressionism style. Expressionism is a modernist movement originating in Northern
Europe around the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world from a subjective perspective, distorting it for emotional effect to evoke moods or ideas. Expressionist artists seek to express the meaning of emotional experience rather than physical reality.
Please bring your own reference photos, Kitt will have a few you can use if you can't find one.
Kitt will also go over what a good reference photo is.
- Canvas or Ampersands gesso board 8x10,9x12,11x14,12x16...your choice
- Variety of brushes
- A palette for mixing
- Palette knife
- Gamsol or low odor solvent (Kitt uses Gamblin solvent free gel)
- Paper towels or rags
- Your favorite oil paint colors
Kitt's usual palette is:
- Titanium white
- Cad yellow med.
- hansa or lemon yellow
- cad red light
- permanent rose
- alizarin crimson
- veridian green
- ultra marine blue and/or ultramarine deep blue
- cobalt blue
- transparent oxide red or burnt sienna