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  • Membership - Family - Renewal Members logo
  • Household - Family - Renewal $ 140.00

    Member Benefits include:

    20% discount on 4,6, or 12-week classes.
    Discounts on select workshops
    10% discount in the Art Supply Store
    Opportunity to sell art in our Gift Shop (Application required)
    Enter your art in VAC exhibits at a reduced fee
    Free or Reduced admission to special exhibits or events
    Free Admission to "Members Only" events
    Receive email updates and monthly newsletter
    Use our "Art Book Cozy Corner" for inspiration
    Receive "Call to Artists" for exhibits
    Opportunity for you to display your own art exhibit in our Rebecca Hall at no charge* (commission fee required)
    North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) membership to over 1300 art, cultural, or historical participating institutions.

The Visual Arts Center logo
In Support of The Visual Arts Center
The Visual Arts Center serves Charlotte County, and beyond, with three major galleries, 6 classrooms, jewelry, glass, pottery & fiber studios, Gift Shop, Art Supply Store, and VAC logo items. Our 12,000 square foot facility provides the best art classes, instructors and exhibit opportunities for the community. Our courses are designed for all ages and skill levels, and we offer classes and workshops in a variety of arts media throughout the year.